Ice, ice...
The ice is sliding off the roof with a rumble and crash. It's been raining and warmer for the last two days, and lemme tell ya, the house-shaking thuds are unnerving. Which, I'm glad, the ice has the good sense (!) to avoid falling on things like stacks of chairs on the deck and my car, but yeah... winter might be losing its grip a little.
Maybe. This happens just about every year, though-- we get a breath of springish air, and then wham! Sub zero and snow happens. Smart kids don't take their winter tires off until May. Or put away the coats.
That said, it's kind of nice not to have to run the oil furnace so much. And opening the winter curtains to let in actual daylight is nice, too.
I hate ice, though, and this rain at 34 degrees is a little sketchy. I'm glad I don't have to drive to work, G is off today, and Meg is not going anywhere til this evening (ugh, nightshift).
Have a good day, and be careful. The outside world is pretty bent on making things ...interesting.
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