Where did integrity and civility go?

Back to the deep-freeze, temperature-wise. Three degrees, and I hear the state trucks rumbling by, so I'm sure it'll be messy driving again. It's still dark out, so I can't quite verify this, but it tracks.

Classes continue to go pretty well; we'll see what comes of the critical analysis essays the seniors in Am Lit are working on; today, we will have individual conferences on their drafts. I have a couple of kids I'm a little concerned about, so the "honeymoon" is probably over. Ah, the usual stuff.

On the home front, Holly went ice skating yesterday, and from the photos and what I've been told, she did pretty well. She loves to try new things, and loves sports. By the end of her first hour, she was, as I'm informed, ready to go play hockey with the big girls who were assembling for team practice. Um... not until you can go without the crates, sweetie, but okay... I love her can-do spirit. 

I'm not commenting on the political chaos today, except to say that the tone of the emails, posts, and official documents that have been shared publicly is pretty combative. Snarky statements, as heard from Ms. Leavitt (the new press spokesperson) are rude, and cannot be taken any other way. Civility has been done away with, I guess. Professionals working in government who get "termination" letters that state, boldly, that they "can't be trusted" are completely out of line, at least as I see it. There is nothing at all professional about group emails of that sort, either. 

How can I, or any other teacher, parent, etc., enforce basic manners, civil discourse, etiquette, and so on, when it's pretty clear that crude, rude, and offensive are the order of the day? I'm no Emily Post, but I do know how to act with some dignity and integrity. All of it is calculated to create a hostile work environment, a combative tone from government, and will, I am pretty sure, result in the country being seen as a crass and craven bully. 

This is not what is meant by "bully pulpit"--at least, not as Roosevelt intended. But it is bullying; it goes well beyond harassment, and is bordering on inciting terror in people who are feeling very vulnerable right now. 

It's indecent. It's un-American.



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