What to do with a couple of days "off"--???

Today offers a small reprieve from the very cold temperatures we've had lately. I don't mind, since I have errands and groceries to get later. I was just consulting my to-do list, and I see that I can check one thing off: grades. I stayed the course yesterday, and I graded three full sets of papers before 2:30 (my eyes are super tired today). Last evening, after dinner, I entered those grades-- the ones for the college (both of my classes are dual credit) that required learning a new platform first, and the ones for my school. All that's left is to "finalize" those school grades, but I think there's something different about Power School, and my old cheat sheet on how to do it is no help. So, that will have to wait until I get directions. 

That all said, the semester is done. Amen. It was a decent enough one, but had the usual bumpy ending. At least all of the kids turned in their final work. That helps. No chasing kids post-semester to try to get things done. And because I busted my tailfeathers over the last few weeks, all the stuff I need to do to get the new term rolling is done done done. My plan book is done, the Google Classroom is done, and I get to have an actual weekend. 

Imagine that. I only wish I had plans. 

I'd love to see a movie, but no one in my family wants to see the Bob Dylan movie with me. It's unfortunate; I don't like the idea of going to a movie solo, and it's not playing here in town. I'd have to go to either Lancaster or St. J, and sit by myself. Not happening. For me, going to the movies is a shared event. So, that's out. There's live music at Iron Furnace tonight, but I don't feel like beer and pub food tonight, so I guess that's out, too. Due to a very busy week, I've ordered out dinner a couple of times already, and it feels like I should make real food tonight. I have a pot roast dinner in mind. That'll be nice.

But what do I do with this nice treat of a three-day weekend, and no papers to simmer over? I mean, besides the usual house chores and so on? I know that on Monday-- which will be a day to ignore all media-- I plan to work on some poems. Or something. Anything besides being a willing victim to the start of the next several years of chaos. 

I'd rather not. 

That said, I will likely read. And maybe watch a movie at home. I'll have Holly for part of the time, too, so there's that. I'd just like to do one fun thing. Work-life balance has been off a bit lately, and I feel it.

I hope you have a good day.


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