The never-ending January...

Is it just me, or is this month just brutally annoying? I am hopeful of a shift in the energies: maybe it's the planetary alignment, maybe it's the East Coast earthquake we had two days ago, the incessant cold, the toxic sludge in the news... whatever the root cause, my zip ain't what it should be. That all said, things move along with my little book, and I should be expending my brain-power on figuring out the next steps for the book launch event and so on. And I should be planning a quiz bowl tournament for the end of March. And I should be reading things that fill my mind and heart with good things. 

That last one is something that probably should come first. I feel depleted. I suspect we all do.

So, short message today, but that's all I have for now. I hope the sun peeks out later.



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