Resumes not required? It's a mess...
I'm following the confirmation hearings, and I can't say I feel like things are going to be okay if/when these nominees are confirmed. Bickering back and shouting over Senators, sidestepping questions, and out-and-out not being able to answer basic questions that directly relate to the positions... yeah, it appears that being at all qualified for a job is no longer a concern. Just... loyalty to a demagogue. And we can't even hope that the people around them who actually know their business will cover for them, since there is a promised "purge" of all employees-- they are being asked such things as to whom and how much they donated in the last election. It's scary.
There's been times I've been passed over for positions that I was qualified for; it hurts like hell, honestly. And when you see who they do hire, and that person does not work out, it hurts again and again. That said, I've never been in charge of, say, an 800+ billion dollar budget. Nor have I been in the loop to deploy nuclear weapons. Errors made on a smaller level can be rectified, but the kind of error the Senate may be about to make, several times over, would have national and global repercussions. Not good.
I'm trying to keep my head down and my eyes trained on only what I can impact, but sometimes I just can't help looking around. And when I do-- it's a cause for real concern. My job requires, both literally and ethically, that I help young people prepare for the next step in their lives. We hope that they are ready to embrace the learning that "real life" is going to hand them, that they can and will be productive, proactive citizens, that they will be honest and trustworthy humans. Yes, that's a goal. But when I look to the public figures that they have set in front of them as "role models" it's hard not to fall into despair.
All I can say is, keep your loved ones safe. Keep yourself safe. And hope that this tide of muck doesn't suffocate us all.
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