OK, it's '25. Today is the Solemnity of Mary... we can use all the help we can get.

Well, 2025 came in without a crisis that made the news, so that's a good thing. I went to bed around 10pm, but the people who live a few streets above us clearly did not-- they chose to "celebrate" by blowing up everything they could lay their hands on for fireworks for two hours. So be it-- these are the same people who blow stuff up on a random Tuesday during the summer months, too. At any rate, I fell asleep, had chaotic school-related dreams, and welcomed five a.m. and my cup of hot coffee.

It was nice to open my email this morning and see that I have three poems up on Verse-Virtual; it's my first time submitting to them, and they have a lovely online journal. And I have a poem scheduled to be posted tomorrow, too, on Mocking Owl Roost. Both good things. 

I am hopeful that today, we can reorganize the den and the front room. Ever since G had his toe incident, he's been sleeping on a camp cot in the den-- months, now, while it healed. It's still sore (the bone, when the doctor shaved it down, broke). But he's willing to try the bed upstairs. His biggest concerns were a/ me  inadvertently knocking into his foot in my sleep, and b/ getting it caught in the blankets. Valid, to be sure. But it would be good to get the den back to den living, not make-shift infirmary. And the front room is a mess; it is supposed to be my "sanctuary"-- a quiet space to work-- but it's become a catchall of Holly's toys and books, and it's looking rather shabby. If we can move the cot out of the den, the book case and toy box can go in the den. Her easel is already there. It's just a matter of shifting things around and getting rid of other things in the den that have just collected there. It's supposed to be a comfortable place to hang out and watch TV and so on, but it's become a rather large jumble of discarded things and misplaced items, some of which are rightfully Meg's. So-- today's the day, I hope.

And tomorrow, I'm back to work. There are things I need to do in the next couple of weeks to wrap up this semester and move into the new one, including dealing with a student who is going on vacation all next week. I know, kids don't make the rules, their parents are the motivators. But seriously. If your kid is taking a dual credit course, and the semester ends in two weeks-- this is not the ideal time to take a week out. And yes, young person, the work you are missing is due the day you get back. Don't lose the books. Because we are doing all new stuff-- because time does not stop when you are taking a non-vacation-time vacation. Sigh. No wonder I have those stress dreams. 

That all said, after I read at church this morning, I'll have the day to get things done. And maybe reset my brain. Today is the Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God. Mary is also the patroness of the United States, as was first proposed in 1792, and made official in 1847 by Pope Pius IX. We could use her help and intercession. I'll do my part.

Have a great day,


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