Fourth Amendment? Kidnapping?

I was going to write all about a very successful collaborative poem thing I have my creative writing students working on-- they love it, it's going well, and they want to continue. But I can't this morning.

Instead, I want to just briefly mention the potential kidnapping of school children as they get off the bus at the end of their school day. ICE agents may be waiting (per a notice in Worcester, MA) at the bus stops to snatch children they assume are "illegal" (though no child is illegal... we can debate the semantics). Bus drivers have been told if they see agents waiting, to hold all the children on the bus and call it in. 

No one should remove any child from anywhere without a legal warrant and their parents being present. Anything else is kidnapping. 

I am scared and heartbroken for these children and their families. A raid/round-up of people already happened in Newark, New Jersey; legal adults and US citizens, including a military veteran, were swept up in the same raid, and were subject to harsh treatment. Again, no warrant. 

This is untenable. 

Hug those you love a little harder today. 



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