Bibliomancy, Emily Dickison, and finding a message to carry with me...

We grow accustomed to the Dark -
When Light is put away -
As when the Neighbor holds the Lamp
To witness her Good bye -

A Moment - We uncertain step
For newness of the night -
Then fit our Vision to the Dark -
And meet the Road - erect -

And so of larger - Darknesses -
Those Evenings of the Brain -
When not a Moon disclose a sign -
Or Star - come out - within -

The Bravest - grope a little -
And sometimes hit a Tree
Directly in the Forehead -
But as they learn to see -

Either the Darkness alters -
Or something in the sight
Adjusts itself to Midnight -
And Life steps almost straight.

-- Emily Dickinson, 1862

I needed to choose a poem to dictate and discuss with my Am Lit class, and I really felt at a loss of which poem to choose. Why not just open a book randomly, and go with it? I did, and this poem was the result. I'd never read it before today, there in class, with all these expectant kids looking to me to get the ball rolling. Wow. 

Talk about bibliomancy. This poem gave me a metaphorical slap to the head, one that I needed. It suits the situation we all find ourselves in perfectly, I think, and Dickinson's deft use of both serious, deeply philosophical images abutted by a playful and really funny one-- let's be honest, getting smacked by a tree branch "Directly in the Forehead" is kind of funny--in the context of this poem makes this poem really work. 

So what did I glean from this poem, one written in the early years of the Civil War? It's the second stanza that so perfectly describes how I feel and how I ought to respond: "We uncertain step/ for newness of the Night--/ Then fit our Vision to the Dark/ And meet the Road-- erect--." Dickinson was clearly aware of the horrors of the Civil War, and all that it threatened to tear apart. This poem was meant for me to find today.

I need to fit my own vision to the darkness that is engulfing us, and, given a moment (or a tree branch!), I will be able to meet the road, upright and determined, indeed-- erect.--

And yes, Life will (I hope) step "almost straight."



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