What are we doing in class? Well, it's not movie days...


Well, duh, it's December...right? Though the last few years have been incredibly dry heading into Christmas. But we have snow today-- and it's supposed to snow all day-- and I'm super glad to have my winter tires on. And G has his on the new car. Snow is pretty, yes, but mostly when I'm watching it out of my window, coffee in hand, and no place to go.

But off to work I will be going, for sure. 

Today, the kids in my College Comp I class will be wrestling with the strictures of APA7 documentation and in-text citation. Toe-tapping, eh? And the Brit Lit kids will be doing a quick mini-search into the living and working conditions in England during the beginnings of the Industrial Revolution. Equally disheartening, to be sure. 

Given the shift in ideology that is starting to creep around the US now, maybe some connections can be made with the horrors of living in 18th-19th century England for the working poor...maybe it might ring some alarm bells. Probably not... though who knows? Mostly, they'll get grossed out about hygiene practices and the food, but maybe a few will see that 18 hour days for children under ten was extreme. 

That said, I have two more weeks of the pre-order phase of my little book. I'm getting excited. It's gonna be real. =)

I hope your day is a warm and cozy one.



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