So, the calendar shifts, but the issues remain...what are we willing to do?
"(Insert charity or nonprofit here) NEEDS you..." And I have no doubt, most human-life-sustaining organizations need funds. The arts, cancer-fighting groups, environmental groups, save the (again, insert some animal)-- they all need help. Like most of you, I have to pick and choose which ones I can support, and which ones I'm going to have to wish well, but can't fund. I, too, have limited resources. The Tech Bros (DOGE-dungeon masters) could fix a whole lot of what's wrong with the planet if they wanted to, but alas, they are hell-bent on destroying people, places, and things in order to pump up their egos. And their capacious wallets.
I am not excited about ringing in 2025. Yes, there are things I am looking forward to, such as the actual release of my little book in February. And there are other events I am happy about, like two online poetry writing workshops coming right up, too. But on the larger scale, the inglorious mess that the government is hurtling towards, and its likely effect on the people, places, and things I love most, is dampening my enthusiasm.
So what do we do? Love those who love us, show charity and kindness to all, push back against policies and people who intend to hurt others, and stand up for justice. And pray that we all make it to the other end of this ugly chapter in our country's history in one piece. I'm likely not going to watch the ball drop-- at this rate, it'll likely fall on several people, causing mass chaos and injury. I sure hope not, but nothing is off the table, it seems. I hope that the gatherings around the world and around our country are safe, but the rates of mass shootings and even crazy people running vehicles into crowds like the Christmas markets make me nervous. I wouldn't be in a crowd of any size right now. And that's unfortunate; I used to like to be a part of all the fun and excitement, no matter the occasion. Now, not at all. I am having a hard time trusting situations because anything and everything from Covid exposure to getting shot are very real concerns. I'll be snug in my flannel sheets long before 2025 comes either knocking or kicking in the doors.
The natural world has no idea that the calendar is about to shift. I felt exactly this way during the whole Y2K kerfuffle. Birds will wake up tomorrow looking for seed. Snow will either fall or not-- the date does not influence the weather. In other words, tomorrow is just another day, a sunrise to sunset event, one of millions just like it in a lot of ways. The same goes for human-created crises-- those things the well-meaning charities and nonprofits are hoping to alleviate. "The poor are always with us" is a true statement, but it's not because it was intended to be that way-- people exploiting other people set that cycle in motion. We can help, we should help, and I, for one, will be helping as much as I can with my admittedly limited time, treasure, and talent. I can't afford to let the global and national morass suck me in, too. There are others who will need me, and I'm here for them.
I hope you have a good shift in the calendar, whatever it might be for you. And I know, since you are my friends, that you will likely be offering a ride, a hand up, a hot meal, or a prayer for those who are in your circles of care. Bless you all.
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