Paying attention: Vaccines

I slept in for an extra hour today, which was nice. One day a week, I get to sleep until I wake up, instead of when I'm awoken. Amen. 

I have a full agenda for today, but I'm not moving too quickly. I'm on coffee #2, still in my flannels and bathrobe. It's 15 degrees out, and the ground is hard and bumpy after the deluge of rain we had midweek. Poor Holly-- the only thing she asked Santa for is a sled, and now the snow is gone. I assume we'll get some, but who knows. We didn't have much last year, for sure.

I'm still intentionally not commenting on the national debacle, but suffice it to say, I'm appalled. The whole idea of removing essential vaccines from distribution --even polio-- is scary. It's like a plan to eradicate everyone in the country, but starting with children. What kind of bargaining chip is that? Fall in line, or we'll allow your children to die? It seems like they are also readying the ice floe for the old and infirm, too-- diseases that we have no need to worry about will be stalking the halls of schools and nursing homes.

In the mid-1800s, upwards of 50-60% of children under five years old died of diseases that we now have under control with vaccines and antibiotics. With this lamentable and stupid plan, I guess that's the "good ol' days" they have in mind. I wish a good case of mumps to infect the males behind this. If you know, you know. That said, it infuriates me that those who are making these decisions and recommendations all have had their vaccines. What do they care? 

Anyhow, I will choose to keep up with mine. I want to outlive this reign of ignorance.



  1. I see measles is also making a comeback in 2024 with 16 outbreaks and a total of 283 cases as of early December with 89% of them not having the vaccine and 40% of the cases ending up in the hospital. Parents are getting their medical information from Google State College and Facebook University instead of consulting their own doctors. The incoming White House Administration will not make things easier as I expect to see many more cases of all diseases that we once thought were gone. Sad, but true.

    1. And the worst of it is, even those vaxxed, if surrounded by enough cases, will be in danger... I'm not a happy person. Schools are already a cesspool of germs.


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