...a stretch of quiet? yes, please.

Today is looking like a solo quiet day, at least until later in the afternoon. After all the bustle and hum of the holiday-ness, I'm really looking forward to it. Yes, it will include folding a mountain of clean laundry, and yes, I will finally bake the sourdough bread. I have copious notes for a book review I've promised to complete by the end of December, and to be honest... I have three days. I set my own deadline, but still-- I try to keep my word on these things. 

I'm also going to try out the new cast iron/enameled dutch oven G gave me for Christmas. That sucker is heavy! He got me the big ol' pot... so I am excited about that. I found a recipe for a basic chicken and rice, so that will be a good first foray into dutch oven cooking for me. And it won't involve red meat. I'm feeling sluggish-- too much holiday food. The supply of cookies, cheese, heavy fare, and other extras is literally weighing on me. I need to eat a little cleaner to reset my inner workings. Not that I overindulge, but the foods themselves are not the usual diet, and I feel it.

That all said, today is a quiet day, at least for quite a few hours. I hope. You never know, though-- but for right now, it is, and I'm glad of it. I'm one of those people who desperately needs a space of quiet in each day in order to be regulated mentally and emotionally. I get bombarded by noise (talking, televisions, etc.), and it makes me very tired. Add to that a degree of rushing around, and I get out of balance. So-- this should be a good thing. 

Have a good day,



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