A better day... stay warm, friends!
After yesterday's post, the day improved. Ah, pendulum, how you swing.
Two students asked to buy my little book. They are too funny... and I'm humbled by their interest.
Another colleague messaged me last night that he'd bought my book-- he's the PE teacher. That gives me a lot of hope. He's a good fella, too. Always thinking of me if he runs across a poetry book somewhere.
And I spent much of the afternoon/evening signing broadsides of the title poem to send to the folks who have pre-ordered. That was kind of fun! I had to track down snail mail addresses, and people were super quick to respond. I ordered several books of stamps.
I fell asleep on the couch watching Food TV per usual, but I went to bed content. And I slept pretty well for the first time in about a week. Nice all around.
All I need is a little something or other that is positive to balance all the crazy stuff...and I was blessed with that yesterday. I even had a fun time making a "project" with Holly for a few minutes.
Thank you Universe/God for the re-centering. I sure needed it.
Stay warm, friends. It's 10 degrees and dark out.
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