Scurrying along towards the break...

Yesterday was a nice break in the pattern of work-work-work. Church was good, and G and I took Holly to the (smaller) Christmas Loft in North Woodstock. I was a little disappointed because the one in North Conway has the lovely Christmas village, but Holly was enchanted by all of the pretty sparkly things, the talking ornaments, and especially the Halloween diorama. At any rate, the weather behaved, we had a nice little outing, and she got to pick a fun ornament of her very own. She fell asleep in the car on the way home almost immediately, and when we got back, G carried her in and she continued to snooze for about an hour. She was a truly wonderful child to spend the day with. 

Today, though, we are back to the usual hurry and scurry of daily life. I'll dash off to the garage today to get the winter tires on and the oil changed in the car. G has to drop off the new car at the dealership to get the undercoating done (that was part of the package deal). When I get back, we'll have Holly and be rushing around to get dinner made, etc. Typical Monday shenanigans. But then there's just Tuesday between us and a small holiday break- and trust me, we all need a little breather.

Will Thanksgiving break be restful? Likely not. But it will have lots of food, a different schedule (at least for me), and maybe some fun involved. In Littleton, we have a Christmas parade, and then there's the visit to Santa at the museum... and maybe, if the stars align, I can go see Wicked. I'm hopeful. I've missed an awful lot of movies due to one thing or another for several years now, but this one I truly want to see on the big screen. I'll keep my fingers crossed.

At any rate, it's Monday, there's work to be done, and mostly, it's fairly routine stuff. I hope your week goes smoothly as well. Starting with coffee...



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