Friday chat-- it's rainy and windy, and feels like November...
Best news so far today (and it's not yet 6:30): I slept. No crazy dreams. I even went straight through from 10:30 til 4, then again til 5:30. Amazing.
And I woke to wind and gusty rain rattling down, 39 degrees. It is November and it is sure acting like it. This is the sort of day I really, really wish I could just stay home, drink coffee, read, and bake. Alas, it's Friday, I have work to go to, and thus, I will trudge out into the wet in a short while. We need the rain, it's true-- but ugh. I think I'm part cat, and I dislike going out in it, at least when it's windy and cold.
Tomorrow morning, my school is hosting a regional quiz bowl tournament, so I will have to get up and get moving early. Not too early-- but there will be no lounging around in jammies for me. I'll be done there about lunchtime, but then grocery-getting and other assorted stuff awaits. G is working late tomorrow, too, so that, at least, gives me a stretch of uninterrupted time to get things done. We are not scheduled to babysit, due to my compacted day, so it'll be a good time to just push on through.
We'll see about Sunday. If the weather behaves, we may have a little "field trip" in mind for Holly. But I won't elaborate on that until it becomes a reality. Suffice it to say, I'd love to do something fun... but Mother Nature has to go along with my ideas.
No matter what, though, I will not have any grading to do. I kept my promise to myself, and that feels good. I will have papers to read over the Thanksgiving break, but that's okay. They should be decent; I've seen almost every one of them through at least two full drafts, so I know what I'm looking at. This is sort of the "rubber stamp" part of the process. The kids have engaged in a little research-- more a literature review-- of some very interesting topics. Some of them have gone beyond the requirements and have done some personal interviews or minor data-gathering; this makes the work more valuable, and certainly more readable. So, as I said, I've seen the drafts, and they are good.
For today, though, it's payday, it's Friday, and I have little to get into except likely some laundry when I get home. I'm good with that.
On the national news front-- yikes. Rogues' Gallery. How many people with sketchy pasts including sexual misconduct can you assemble into one slate? I guess we are finding out.
Have a good day, and stay dry...
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