Busy brain, little sleep... sigh. It's dark.

Rainy November. At least, a little rain. The northeast has been a bit dry of late; figures, right? We had a swampy August, and then dry. Makes no sense to me, but then, I'm not in charge. 

In fact, I'm pretty much not in charge of a whole lot of things that shadow and touch my life. What I can do, I will do. I'm not sleeping well again-- big surprise. There's a whole lot of angsty, big-ticket stuff taking up residence in my brain, and I'd like to be able to evict it. 

The good stuff keeps me going during the daylight hours, but the incipient evil and harmful stuff comes out of my brain-closet, amorphous and sinister, and I have busy/troubled dreams. I'm awake every 90 minutes, almost like someone sets an alarm. 

Gah. Coffee is my friend. 

Enough whining, though. It's Tuesday, and I should be getting another sales report on my little book; I think I may have sold one book last week. There's still a month to go, so maybe more orders will trickle in. I hope so. There's that pesky pre-sales requirement. 

Dang. Back-slid into more worry/whining. My apologies. My instinct is that I should just erase this entire page and just post a picture of a bird or a tree. 

I am looking forward to Christmas. But first, there's Thanksgiving. And I know that things are going to be busy, and I will have to work on that balance thing some more. 

I hope you have a good day. I will try to as well.



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