The crazy train is running off the rails...

Time to get very, very worried. 

Fascism is alive and --unfortunately-- well, and if the GOP wins this coming election, this is what we have holding the nuclear codes and our fate as a nation:

"In Oaks, Pennsylvania, tonight, Trump was supposed to take questions from preselected attendees at a town hall with South Dakota governor Kristi Noem. He did, at first, although his answers were all over the place and he urged people to vote on January 5. But then, in the hot and crowded space, two people needed medical attention. Slurring, Trump then said: “Let’s not do any more questions. Let’s just listen to music. Let’s make it into a music. Who the hell wants to hear questions, right?” And then he stood on stage and swayed for 39 minutes of songs from his personal playlist before seeming to recall that he was supposed to be talking about the election, which he suddenly told the confused crowd was “the most important election in the history of our country” before turning back to the music."

The question is, what more can I do? Money, letters, signs, etc. are all good inroads, but convincing people who are already dead inside is hard. To support this person is to give up all of our freedoms. It's clear to me that there are those who are so blinded by hate and who embrace a dystopian vision of our country, that they just can't see the blue sky, the green grass, and the clear path forward. We are not living in a Mad Max world...yet. But there are people in North Carolina who have formed a de facto militia, and they are literally "hunting FEMA" -- those very people who are trying their best to get life-sustaining supplies to them. All because T. has declared that FEMA workers are moving folks off their land and taking it for lithium mines.

This batshit-crazy playbook is a no-win situation. 

Hang in there, friends. 



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