Rockin' good fun!


We went to see Breabach at the Colonial Theatre in Bethlehem last night, and it was like being at a Gaelic ceilidh. 

For real-- the dueling pipers, the strings, the fiddle, the singing and dancing-- it was a grand time altogether. What did I get for concert merch? A tea towel. 

With the tea towel was a download code for their newest album, so that worked out well. Unfortunately, they didn't have cds for sale, but I'll take music however I can when it's that good.

And the earlier part of my day was wonderful, too-- thirteen of us in a zoom room from 10-3, and we read poems, chatted, talked about the poems, and wrote... I ended up with two decent drafts of the four we tried, and I'm super excited about that, too. 

What a great day. 

Today, we'll celebrate Holly's birthday a day early (tomorrow is the actual day), and Meg's inlaws are all headed up this way. It'll be a little chaotic, but we are going to gather at our favorite --and Holly's favorite-- watering hole. Yes, the child has a favorite bar. Okay... restaurant, but it's the Iron Furnace Brewing Company in Franconia, and we are hoping to beat the late leaf peepers to the tables. We'll manage. 

And no school tomorrow-- a true gift. I'll do my baking and grading and grocery-getting then. I don't mind shifting it-- I needed a fun weekend. The leaves are all but blown down off the trees due to yesterday's big wind storm, but it's still pretty out there. It's time to slow down and enjoy it a bit.

Have a good day,



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