Rain and a little relief, maybe?

It is raining, it's Tuesday, and it's another day of waiting. I hope I can be patient with things beyond my control. G is supposed to schedule surgery for his foot, but can't seem to find anyone at his primary provider to see him. They have had a revolving door (actually, more like a slink out the door) of PAs for quite some time. He hasn't been to see any one health care person more than once in over a year. They keep reassigning him to whomever is new, but then the newbie leaves in the meantime. This is frustrating. He has to have authorization from his primary, but they can't seem to dig one up. Maybe today. We need to get on with things. The system is broken, as we all know, but gee whiz. Let the man get his foot dealt with, please.

I don't mind the rain, because there is so much to do outside and I am not able to do it, so the rain gives me a good excuse (and I don't have to feel bad). I did go out and pick berries and beans yesterday, which was really nice. It's good to see and have literal fruits of one's labors. The tomatoes are starting to plump up-- we will be inundated, and I am excited about that. And I keep looking at the pear trees, fully laden. I fantasize about opening up a PYO-- there's no way we'll be able to get them all. They are not all that big, since the trees are still establishing, but there are hundreds of them, per tree. Crazy.

I can't control politics, but I am moderately relieved about the shift in things, nationally. At least there's some energy being put forth (and a whole lot of donations) to try to right the ship. It's a weird balancing act, though, to be a public school teacher. There are literal laws that affect my career when it comes to me speaking out or taking a stand. That frustrates me. I got so damned angry the day Pres. Biden made his announcement; within an hour, the local Trumpers had organized a car "parade" with all of their hate-flags a-flying, speeding by my house on their way through town, horns blaring. It was so odd, and really quite unwelcome. I can't safely and openly speak my preference (at least, not at work), but they can disrupt the day with their impromptu demonstration. I'd at least rather not see bedspread sized "F*** Biden" flags whipping by my windows. Now, they will have to come up with some other repellent crap to fly, I suppose.

I will be planting my "no parking" sign by my driveway soon. We have a large parking area, and too often, all sorts of door-knocking folks just decide to beach their vehicles here while canvassing. NO thanks. I don't care which side of the divide they represent, I just want to safely park my car. 

I have some modicum of hope for all these annoyances, both personal and public. But I'm also a pessimist, unfortunately. I want so much: for my husband to finally get this foot thing figured out (he has, quite literally, been under foot since June 4th), and I want the country to not only survive, but thrive. I would like to stop fearing and hurting. 

That all said, the rain is a blessing. May it be so for us all.



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