NH Gov. response to the weather disaster---

NH Gov. Sununu asked President Joe Biden for FEMA relief money yesterday-- for the damage and flooding done in APRIL. And it was granted immediately, which is nice. But northern NH has been hit incredibly hard by this recent storm --entire roads are gone--every road in Dalton is washed out. Bridges are compromised. People are literally cut off by road damage and closures. I wonder if we'll have to wait another 3 months for him to ask, or will he think, O, gee, I just asked for some money, it looks bad to have our hand out again...

NH is a state that, in many ways, is almost two states. There is the affluent "Mass Lite" south of Franconia Notch, and then there is the "real" northern NH that we live in. Our local budgets cannot support the kind of repairs that need to happen, and it's not cosmetic. Life/safety is compromised. And we have heard not one single word.

Northern Vermont got the worst of it, on the very anniversary of the major damage and flooding that wiped out so many farms and businesses last July. Vermont's Gov. Scott has already provided a line to call if homes are damaged. He is far more pro-active; it's safe to say that he is an "old school" Republican, but more importantly, he cares about his state. Sununu is a politician, with all the seamy associations that come with that word these days. People, towns, and businesses are in a real mess, and there's been no response. 

Can you guess? He's not running for another term. It shows.

Have a good day, and please, stay safe.



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