"The best laid plans...oft gang agley..."

Well, the summer got reorganized already before it even got going. G has a foot injury that is not healing well, so, radical changes are necessary. He will not be going to work for about a month (or more), and must stay off it, no load bearing, no driving, etc. We'll manage, but there's little flex in the budget, and we can't go anywhere. So, the three-day beach vacation that was the crown jewel of the summer is put off for yet another year. 

There's plenty of additional chores to keep me busy though, and as time progresses, we'll see if he can go and do anything maybe local, but for now, he is on high restriction for activity. I, on the other hand, will, with Meg's help, pick up the maintenance things. There are some projects that were on the priority list that likely won't get done, but we'll see how that goes. For example, I cannot get up on the extension ladder to scrape and paint windows upstairs. Sigh. 

So, yeah. I already bought sundresses for the beach. Maybe I can wear them to church or something. We'll muddle through. In the meantime, I'm praying for his full healing, and that we can navigate this rather unfortunate bump in the road. 

Keep him in your thoughts... and the rest of us, too, please.



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