Sunday re-set

A few minutes of quiet before the day truly gets rolling. Coffee consumed. Birds are twittering outside the window. G is snoozing in his chair (we must have the post-getting up snooze). 

Things have been busy, chaotic, and down-right upended in some ways. It's hard to believe it's only been not yet a full week. Having G home every day, every minute has been an adjustment. He is not supposed to do much at all; no weight bearing, no driving, no nuthin'. That does not mean he is fully compliant, but he's been, on the whole, pretty much sedentary, and it's chafing at him. He's not been the sort to just sit for long stretches, but here we are. Pray for healing, please. 

That said, it's been raining on and off for a few days, so outdoor work is on hold. I don't mind waiting a little bit, but the weeds are enormous. The next dry-enough day to do the vinegar trick looks like Wednesday. I'll prep for that. Garden plants are looking vibrant and green, blossoms and fruit, leafy and lush. G planted a squash garden down by the bee yard before he got shut down by the doctor, and it is going crazy. I'm glad. I hope the beetles don't find it-- he is excited. So am I: zukes, yellows, butternut, and cantaloupe! 

I'm hoping that this rainy stretch is not a precursor for how the summer is going to go. We need balance in every aspect of life right now. One more week of work for me, actually four days. Tomorrow is a "regular" day, but no seniors (today is graduation). Tuesday, we'll have class time until 10:30, then the plan is to take the entire school (anyone who shows up) down to the community field for games. They've even engaged a food truck! And then Wednesday is cleaning. There's a roofing/ air vent project underway this summer, and no one can be in the school (classrooms) until August. O gee. Thursday, we'll have our wrap session. 

Let's just say, I'm already done with what needs to be done, except finalizing one class' grades. 

I'm ready to shift to summer stuff, and my list of "must do" things has grown a bit. One thing I must do, though, is learn how to balance my time: family needs, home maintenance, yard work-- those all tend to crowd to the head of the list. Before things shifted, I had already declared that this summer, I am going to try to recalibrate me. I'm still going to try to make that a priority. Physical, mental, and emotional health has to feature in there somewhere. And pool time. C'mon, sunshine! And reading on the deck! 

I'm starting with today. Church, then home to get some things accomplished, but I am not going to cram my day full of "stuff." I might even bake bread. 

I hope your day settles into a pace you want to follow.



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