Quick note about what I'm not going to talk about yet--

Looks like a drizzly day today--which, to be honest, is not a terrible thing. I have some chores to do, some errands to complete, and I have a small cold, so a quiet and productive day looks good to me.

That all said, likely all of that will be upended, mostly in the best ways. The Toddler in Residence has her own plans. Usually, they are a lot more fun than mine.

I'm enjoying not having to rush, to get things done on a tight schedule. Tomorrow, I might rant on about the mandated posting of the Decalogue in LA schools, but not today. I don't feel like getting all that wound up about anything much. And I have to get my brain around it all first. That, and the unholy alliance between Putin's Russia and N. Korea- there's just so much evil afoot, and I'm sad and worried about it. I can't make cogent thoughts yet.

I think I'll get another cup of coffee.

Take care,



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