Pool-time success; it's summer-sticky and I don't mind

I took yesterday as a "day off" (not to be confused with summer break from school). The pool beckoned, and I had no problem at all answering its invitation. What a hot day! Meg, Holly, and I lounged in the pool for about two hours. Then, a humdinger of a boomah came through, Holly took a solid nap, and when she woke up, the world was pretty darn soggy. And a little cooler, though that is a temporary thing. Today is predicted to be more humid and about as hot. We may or may not get back in the pool; t-storms are predicted on and off, so we'll have to play it safe. 

While Holly was napping, Meg went to the store, and among the whatevers she needed, she also picked up (and then inflated) a ridiculously funny, super-large pool float: a super-fly flamingo. I suspect that it will fill up most of the pool when it is in there, but Holly will have fun. She was making great strides towards swimming yesterday, too-- she kept repeating, "I'm doing my best. It just makes me a little nervous." She is a doll, truly. And she was doing great! 

Our pool is not a deep one; it's about hip-deep on me, so she is clearly able to walk freely, head and shoulders above the waterline. She has her new floaties, too, which provide a little security. The goal is for her to be able to swim reasonably well, with floaties, by the end of summer. And be potty-trained. Those are reasonable goals, I think. 

In the meantime, G is still mandated to be off his foot, so he's home for another two weeks. Sometimes it's like living with a caged bear, but mostly he's managing. For a busy fella to have to dial things all the way back is not easy. He's relatively compliant, and coffee on the deck, or puttering around with small seated projects is keeping him occupied. He has been reading a lot, too, which is good. He has not had this kind of enforced inactivity since the summer he broke his arm falling off a hay wagon while we were in college; in fact, that is when we started dating. And even then, he could drive, so this is a whole new situation for him. Pray it heals quickly. 

I'm getting a slow start again today. I'd like to blame the humidity, but really, I'm still decompressing, transitioning from school-busy to home-busy. And no one is driving me to do stuff except me, so-- I might just give myself permission to do only a few small chores again today. I have to go to the grocery for a few quick items: we got some beautiful garlic scapes, and I want to get some shrimp to make a pasta dish for dinner. And we need bananas. 

Have a good one,



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