OK, here's my thoughts on the current situation in the political circus

I've avoided talking too closely about politics for a while now, but I have some thoughts. 

I'm sure we all have thoughts. 

Do I wish we had a younger, more TV-charismatic Democrat running? Sure. But that's not the point. There are a lot of talented, intelligent people who are rising through the ranks, but they have not yet been tapped to represent the party at the highest levels. Yet. 

That said, and in the wake of the non-debate (bluster, blather, bold-faced lies), I'd like to remind folks --and myself-- that the person who occupies the Oval Office is really not as important as the people who are elected to Congress or the ones who are selected to be in the Cabinet. 

We are judged by the people we surround ourselves with. That is a fact, whether it is fair or not, but I think it's the whole damned point. We saw what kind of bootlicking sycophants, ruffians, and out-and-out treasonous criminals Trump surrounded (and still does) himself with. He has already claimed he will remove all qualified people who have devoted their intelligence and expertise to governance and to keeping the "machine" working, and replace them with loyal but unbelievably unworthy people. Betsy DeVos? Bannon? Guiliani? The list goes on... more and more conspiracy-minded, money-grubbing, ignorant people. A weak demagogue will only gather opportunists to his side, people who want much for themselves and who do not care about the rest of us. It's already in play: the Supreme Court has opened the door to a frightening lack of regulation for water, air, medicine... they say that the Congress needs to be very clear and specific in what they put into the laws they pass, as if they have any damned idea about water, air, medicine, etc. MTG telling us what is safe to eat or drink? Boebert making rules about medical procedures or drugs? C'mon. You have GOT to be kidding. These yackoffs keep grilling Fauci, and he is by far more qualified to talk about infectious diseases than any one of the people who keep suggesting he needs to be executed or locked up. 

So what do we do? We need to step back and look at a wider picture: the person who gets elected is only one piece of the governance puzzle. We need to consider the types of people who will surround the holder of the office: do we want Q-Anon and criminals, or do we want considerate, intelligent professionals? Who are they working for, and why? 

We are voting for the future of this nation at this juncture. I see a quick descent into madness versus holding the line for a short while to allow for younger, dedicated leaders to step up and lead. 

Take a breath. Which team do you want? 



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