Not much...

I could talk about Holly running through a cloud of bubbles, giggling. 

I could chat about the Woody Allen series I'm watching, Crisis in Six Scenes. (Miley Cyrus as a 1960s revolutionary, anti-Vietnam activist?)

I could perseverate on a whole lot of things in the national news. (If a person cannot join the military if he/she is a felon, how can he/she serve as Commander in Chief?)

But I won't. The impossible disconnect between fun, quirky, and downright scary that is our mental daily fare is boggling. 

Suffice it to say, the weather is lovely, I have a handle on end of the school year stuff, and I'm trying not to drown in should-do/didn't do/ what to do.

Maybe tomorrow I'll have something cogent, witty, or otherwise interesting to say. 

Or not. We'll see.



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