Gun violence, children, and what the hell are we NOT doing?

Newtown (CT) graduates mourn the loss of their 20 missing classmates while the Supreme Court vacates the ban on bump stocks.

This should have been the headline.

While I know that the two issues are not actually linked, I can't help but be aware of the optics of it.

And no one, NO ONE, needs to modify a weapon so that it fires 400-800 rounds per minute.

Gun control vs. unrestricted gun ownership/ "my righttts"/ please read the entire Second Amendment/ fully invest in mental health -- the discussion (rant?) rages on. And children are dying every single day in America.

As of 2020, gun violence became the number one cause of death for children in the United States, surpassing vehicle accidents. 

Not disease, not drowning in a pool, not drinking household cleaners, not falling out of trees. Guns.

My heart hurts every single time I hear of these events-- and now, they are so common-place, they hardly register a mention in the news. That should grieve every one of us.

We cannot be the "greatest country on the planet" as long as this is an ongoing issue. 

It is past time to address gun violence.


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