We have a small gardener!

Yesterday was just what it needed to be in so many ways. Church was good, and I got to reconnect with a couple of dear friends while there. I served as lector, too, which is something I actually enjoy. When I came home, I got changed into yard work clothing, and went at those weeds in the strawberry bed with relative gusto. The bee yard is adjacent to the berries, but they were too busy elsewhere, so it was peaceful and without incident. I reclaimed the bed, and then took a ten minute break. I've discovered that I actually need a little break between chores, and I can do a lot more if I listen to my body and respect it's rhythms. I puttered about, moved the deck furniture, and fiddled around with some outdoor things. In the meantime, I also made a ham/cheese quiche for lunch.

Holly loved the quiche, G did, too, and I sure did. Then, we went on a little field trip to the garden center and bought a few plants for "Holly's Garden," which we've established in a rolling planter on the deck. I chose the plants, but she approved them. I've never before heard of or seen pink-blossomed strawberries, so we got two plants. The blooms are like small begonias! We got grape tomatoes (two), basil, sage, and marigolds. I got a small rosemary plant, too, but I didn't put that into the planter. I'll pot that one. Holly was so cute, "pat pat pat," putting the plants into the dirt. I ordered her some garden gloves, too-- if she is going to enjoy doing a little dirt-work, then gloves will be useful. 

We spent a lot of time on the deck, too, while Papa was mowing the grass (again), just enjoying warm temperatures. She does not know that there's a new swing-set on the way... that will be a whole lot of fun for us. She's pretty much outgrown her yard toys, so there's precious little for her to do outside, but she desperately wants to play outside-- we'll make that happen. That's what grandparents do, right? =)

Today, when she comes over, we'll probably be outside again. I don't mind-- last summer was so rainy, I am vowing to use every lovely minute I can. 

And, in related news-- Holly ate all her dinner, even the carrots! Fresh air builds a good appetite!

I hope your day is lovely, too.



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