Spring vs the news-- I'll take spring
...and the air is heavy with lilac, liquid, sweet, redolent with spring.
It's hard to hold this beauty in my mind and heart when I read the recap of the news. So many lies. Trump is calling for a "unified reich" if he wins. De Santis has outlawed the use of the words or any references to climate change, in a state where they are routinely obliterated by heat and strong storms, epic flooding, etc. And we sit on this powder keg.
Frankly, I don't want to ponder on the very-real and dire consequences of another Trump presidency. I don't want to think about any of that, actually. When I do, I get upset, I don't sleep.
Speaking of sleep, or lack thereof, it's almost time to put the air conditioner in the upstairs window. It was really sticky sleeping last night; the windows were open, but the heat from the day collects and there's no real relief. Today is supposed to be even warmer, and humid. And tomorrow is predicted to be 85 and humid-- yay, I will be at work in my upstairs classroom with windows that won't work until 5pm.
I will figure it out. No one will survive in that hotbox.
I love spring. I just prefer it on the deck. =)
Three and a half weeks left, my friends.
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