Rambling about the rain and the blossoms and how I wish I could play outside with the roses...

I can't seem to have one full night's sleep that is not disturbed or broken by stress dreams. I haven't had this kind of stretch in quite some time, and it's odd; I have no external stressors that are causing this. I wish my brain would just shut up. Alas, it's Monday, and I have to go to work, and then I'll be hanging with Holly 'til her bedtime. Functioning must happen. Coffee. Lots.

That said, the fruit trees are popping! The plum tree is a fluffy white presence, reaching just above the golden forsythias. The cherry trees, apples, and pears are about to poof into pale blossoms as well. Yes, the pollen level in my vicinity is ridiculous. But the bees should be pleased-- G got them yesterday, and they should be almost ready to transition to their new home. It was pouring rain yesterday, so they were not that interested in relocating yet. I can't say that I blame them-- it was another long, drenching rain. Like we need it? sigh. Either way, it's kind of nice to have our little micro-orchard coming into focus. With luck and better temps, we'll have fruit this year!

I should be figuring out when I can prune the rosebushes; Tuesday is the only dry/sunny day in the forecast. We'll see if I'm up to it after work. I like doing that sort of chore much earlier in the day, but I can't be too choosy. Ah, yard work. It doesn't take time, but it does take a certain mindset. And no chatty toddler "help," and yes, she'd want to be in the literal thick(et) of it. The branches are leafing out nicely, so I can see what needs to be cut-- just have to find the pruners. I need a day to get my stuff together. Maybe I'll get to it, maybe it'll have to wait. Things will grow just fine without my help, I suspect.

Speaking of which, the grass is getting so thick and lush! It's almost time to mow! But not quite yet... the pollinators need the early food. And to be honest, it's too dang wet. I'm hoping that the forecast improves for the end of the week. I sure hope it's not a sign of things to come; last summer was wet and disappointing. We need to get the new soil for the boxes, too...the list is growing. Luckily, I can't really plant anything much til the first of June anyhow, but still, it'll be good to be ready.

But today, I can do absolutely nothing of any use outside. I'll enjoy the flowers as they unfold and watch the birds this afternoon when I get home from work. My hurry-up self will just have to figure out how to let it all go. 

Have a super day,



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