Memorial Day, memories, and early summer...

This weekend is usually dedicated to memorializing those who have passed away, specifically the war dead. Most folks expand it to include recollecting their own family members, as well. While some will spend the time in cemeteries decorating graves (it is, after all, historically known as "Decoration Day"), others will be at parades or other forms of remembrance. 

And it's also the unofficial start to the summer season, at least here in the United States. Lucky for us, the weather has been, at least so far, cooperating. I'll be putting plants in soil today! We had a beautiful day yesterday for little Piper's baptism, for Meg's family to welcome their new puppy, and in general, for us to slow things down a little. We sat on the deck and watched the birds, commented on the burgeoning fruit on the trees, and enjoyed the warmer weather.

So how do I blend the two threads? While I'm busy planting, I'm sure my mind will wander off a bit. Not a day goes by but that I'm remembering family who have passed away. When my hands are at work, my brain kicks in overtime. I'll be glad to be "interrupted" by living family-- I don't like dwelling in my head too much. My father ended up in nursing care on May 31, 2021, and he was never able to go home again. May has, since my mother's death in 2018, been punctuated by sadness, and I would dearly love to reclaim part of the month, at least, with some happier, more pleasant things. So yesterday's baptism was a much-needed corrective. And seeing Holly play with her new puppy is delightful. And celebrating Tim's birthday was pleasant as well. 

Today, when G is itching to mow the grass, and Holly is bumbling along on the lawn with the new puppy, and the neighbors' roosters are gargling their joy to the sky, I will choose to be happier. Life is for the living. Every day is a memorial day for me, and I need the joyous bustle to keep me from going down too deeply into memory.

I will make a fruit salad. We'll put some burgers and hotdogs on the grill, and enjoy the day. I hope you do, too.


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