Flowering trees vs. Letters to the Editor--

The weather was glorious yesterday-- 80 degrees! Every single thing is blooming, and the pollen is thick. G's new bees are very busy --the cliche is true-- and the cherry tree was literally shaking and humming. My eyes are itchy, my skin is itchy, my hair itches, but it's high spring. The flowering crabapple tree is about to burst into deep magenta, and the lilacs will not be far behind. Even the dandelions look friendly. 

So why do I read the letters to the editor every morning? There's that one guy in Danville, VT who writes every single day, and every single day he is miserable and rude. ugh. Apparently, Littleton is "going to hell" because we can't put on a Memorial Day Parade (volunteers are scarce, people have aged past their ability to parade, etc.), but there's likely a Pride Month event. Now, I don't see it as particularly hellish, just sad, that folks can't walk miles like they used to, in full uniform and so on. There's still going to be a memorial event at the bridge. What this man is attempting to do, every single day, is spread his vitriol. And, since I read it, I guess he's successful. I think I'll stop reading his noise.

So much of the news is disheartening. The sludge creeping and seeping out of the trial in NYC is toxic. The wars drag on, thousands of innocent people are killed or damaged/displaced. The permafrost is disappearing in Alaska and threatening indigenous peoples. The list goes on, but I think you see what I'm saying. With real problems both at home and globally, this dingbat in Danville has to pop off at local issues and proclaim damnation on us all over parades. It makes me a little heated.

Thank goodness I have flowering trees to help balance my mood. The trees have some hope, or so it looks, if I anthropomorphize a little. There's a lesson in there somewhere.

Have a good day,



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