Snow Walloping and the Sunday Clean-up
Well, we will give credit where it's due: the forecasters got this one exactly right. There are still flakes falling, but not insistently. We got (my estimate) about 18 inches of snow. Why Momma Nature decided to give us the winter's-worth all in one event, I have no idea.
That all said, today, I have to get to church as I'm the lector. I hope I can. Our plow guy came early, thank goodness, so Meg can get out to get to work. Today is her first day back after the long hiatus of Tim's surgery and initial recovery phase. We will have Holly every Saturday and Sunday and Monday evening. So that shapes what my weekends will be like for the foreseeable future. I also have a small pile of papers to grade, banana bread to make, and likely there's some small chores I have not remembered. And my writing group meets this afternoon at 1:00. So, a busy day ahead.
And a busy week. It's Easter Week, and I hope I can make it to church on Thursday evening. If I can't, then there's live stream.
I hope your week goes smoothly, too, and if you are local here, I hope your snow removal goes well.
PS you should see the snow mountain in front of Meg's house. It's daunting.
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