Out of sorts--
Rain rain rain.
Buds are swelling on the lilacs.
No crocuses yet but I suspect they are waking up.
The question is, is this false spring, with a winter wallop waiting in the wings (wow, check that alliteration!), or will we ease into the next season, wondering what happened?
I'm studiously avoiding reading too much of the national dumpster fire of politics.
I'm aggravated that my new dishwasher is acting up. I may have to navigate the Byzantine situation that is calling the people in charge of the warranty. O boy.
I'm sorely aggrieved at a whole lot of stupid things, and I don't have a lot of solutions.
Is it the weather? The protracted angst? The sheer exhaustion? (Last night, I couldn't get fully asleep, until about 3am-- yay--)
I'll try not to hold my breath and stamp my feet.
At least I have coffee.
I hope you do, too.
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