How to have a great day-- what I learned yesterday

Yesterday was a really nice day. It started out with G and me being part of the Forty Hours of Adoration at church-- sitting, praying, entirely without conversation or noisy distractions of any sort. We were not the only ones there, but that didn't matter at all. I sat and read and reflected on a book I've had but had not read, one that provides insight and context on the Holy Hours. I assume G was doing his own inward journey, and we didn't discuss it. No need. Each person's prayer life is his own. 

I went to work right after, and had a good day with my students. We had fun, got a lot done, and I felt light-hearted throughout. And Meg and family's wayward cat who'd gone on walkabout a week ago returned! We were all worried about him, but he's home safe and hungry for food and affection. Sometimes, what we think is freedom is actually not all that good for us, I guess. At least, if you are a nosy cat. 

G and I had an appointment during the afternoon for some self-care: he got a pedicure and I got a mani-pedi. Not frou-frou at all-- winter dry feet and cracked cuticles are miserable, and to get those things attended to properly is a good plan. We both enjoyed our "pampering" and will likely make a plan to do this more often. My poor arthritic feet feel a whole lot better, and he says that his feel great, too. When your feet feel good, you feel good. Definitely worth it. (And far less expensive and a lot more fun than a visit to the podiatrist!)

There were no Stations at church last evening, due to the Forty Hours, so we went out to dinner at our favorite spot, had a yummy dinner, and we were home by a little after 6pm. Yeah, we're old. No party animals in this house. Meg and Holly came over for a little visit, Holly had her bath here, and we got to chase and cuddle the little toddler tornado. They went home when Holly announced it was bed time, around 8pm. 

I went to bed around 9:30-- full day, long week, and I was tired. G was already asleep in his recliner. But the day was really great. I'll take it-- good days, especially spent in harmony, are a true gift. And you know, they don't "just happen," either. Not that days need to be scripted or over-scheduled; it's more doing things with intention. And keeping an eye out for the joy in the little things-- that makes a day great. 

For me, I think what set the day in positive motion was that quiet hour to start things off. I am going to make an effort to do that more, either at church, or here at home, with nothing electronic to distract me. At church, I had no distractions. That's a gift in itself. At work, my focus was on the kids and what we were doing-- not paperwork, computer work, etc. Human interaction. And there is not one thing I could have been doing that was "productive" while getting my feet and nails taken care of. I was at the "mercy" of being cared for. Being present to the moment, and allowing myself to enjoy it without rushing through to the next thing, was super important. Dinner out, the same thing. They take good care of us. I don't have to cook it, serve, and clean up. We can just enjoy it and each other's conversation. There's a lot of lessons in mindful living that came out of my day: likely, those things are always there, but I'm too "busy" rushing my way through, to be efficient, to please... whom? 

Yeah, a wake-up call. 

I hope you have a great day, and I will try to as well.



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