Cold Monday Musings: Weird Dreams and Pink Easter Chicks
Cold start to the day: Five. Degrees.
Long night of really odd dreams: Russians (like you see in old movies), alien abductions, and trying to figure out what to do with old jewelry.
Up early: Pellet stove vacuuming at 5:03 a.m.
At least it's not snowing again. Almost two feet of snow later, I'm really over it. The weather forecast is for melting temps, but not truly warm yet. My poor daffies are under that wet and heavy mess. They were starting to swell with buds. I hope they recover.
Today, I'm off to work, then home to hang out with Holly. We had a pretty good day yesterday, but it will take a few weeks for her to get used to Mommy going to work again, I think. We kept busy, which helps, but I'm tired. I fell asleep watching Tournament of Champions on Food TV yet again. I always seem to fall asleep right at the last match-up. I can't make it past 9:30.
I think we'll end up making pink Easter chicks out out of construction paper. Yesterday, it was yellow and black ones. I assume the black ones are in homage to the black roosters our neighbors have that roam the yard eating bugs and looking officious. They won't be roaming much of anywhere for a few days, at the very least. Too much snow.
I hope your day is a quiet one. Drive safely!
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