Blessings on Holy Saturday/ Easter Vigil-- and another poem offering

Published with the title, "Yet if I Picture the Face of Jesus" in The Henniker Review.

Heart Burn


I know it to be false              this image   Godhead

with flowing blond locks     sad blue eyes, searching


the face should be of a man whom I know is Semitic     I look around

no one else seems troubled


it’s not at all like the wan, somber, bearded face

of someone who is deeply disappointed        or

pained by a loss          I didn’t cause      this face makes little sense

in the sense that it’s not historic, but

it’s the one I grew up with, framed, burning heart

looking like it might burst             that open heart

surrounded by flames scared me


when I first heard the phrase heart burn all I could think of

was this picture on the wall            electric blood glowing


I wonder aloud: what do you see in me?   There’s a silence

a long pause            


my own burning heart          is it sacred






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