Toxicity at the highest level, and a measure of sanity here at home--
I should not be surprised, ever, by the incivility and inhumanity of so many people who are elected to "run" this country. Yesterday, in Congress, more examples of outright greed, obstinacy, and ignorance took center stage. Yet again. I'm frankly scared about what is going on; there is a clear and present danger to our country in the obvious manipulation of Congress by a certain candidate. Human lives are being used as fodder for the feeding of a bloated ego. It's destructive, and I don't know that we, as a country, will ever recover fully from this fever dream.
That said, this morning, I started my day off by reading the account of what occurred at the local level, the deliberative session (part one) for the warrant articles that we'll be voting on in March. There was a little more light at the end of the tunnel provided by the hard-working, civic-minded people here in town. The issues we face here are a good indication of what the country as a whole is facing, and at least here, there was civil discussion about weighty issues, and some amendments were made to warrant articles that reflect consideration of issues, not rank partisanship. Thank goodness.
I used to enjoy following politics, as I saw it as a good measure of how people would like things to be, and how we negotiate a path forward so that we can live together in relative harmony. Yeah, that bus left. When Congress has been instructed by one person to be obstructive, and so many of them knuckle under and kiss his...ring? backside? Both? we are in trouble. At least here at home, the fever seems to be breaking, and compassion is allowed some airtime.
I hope you have a good day. Be kind.
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