Too much busy/ not enough balance
Best-laid plans oft gang agley, eh?
Lately, I feel like I can't quite catch up. Nothing's really changed, but the personal deadlines I've set, the writing goals, the reading goals, have all been shoved along the datebook, square after square, date after date, after month. I kinda-sorta feel bad about it, but not as bad I should. Maybe it's winter blahs? Maybe it's the incredibly busy stretch we've been in? I dunno, but I have a book to read/review, and there's a bunch of submission deadlines looming, and I can't get out of my own way.
It's not like I'm filling my days with un-useful things: there's always house chores, and babysitting, and errands and school stuff. And I am reading that lovely translation of the Iliad, but even that is getting set aside far too often. I'm lucky if I can get two pages read a day.
I'm tired. No lie. And I can't seem to do anything cogent in the evening time; my eyes and brain are exhausted by then. Teaching literature classes requires a lot of eye-work. Weekends are filling up with the usual stuff, too. Time to recalibrate my calendar, maybe.
Or just accept that sometimes, "it be like that."
I look around me and think, what I really need is a couple of days to get things in order, and then I can proceed. Sure. Maybe? I think it's like this every February, though. I yearn for the winter break from school, mainly because the holiday break is so full of busy-ness. And then, I pack it with must-do stuff. Maybe this time around, I'll color in the border around a couple of days and claim them for the things I want to do that don't produce immediate, necessary results. I'd also like to get out of town for a day or two, but that is unlikely. That wish is likely going to be pushed to the April break. Most wishes do get pushed along.
So, maybe?
See? I can't even put my foot down with myself.
Hope you have a good day--
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