The danger in "othering" played out both large and small--

I started this morning by first putting in a load of laundry and starting the dishwasher. Then, I settled in with a cup of coffee to read Heather Cox Richardson's daily essay, this time about the creeping diplomatic shuffle in Gaza. What appalls me is that any group of human beings can declare that another group should live or die, and in Netanyahu's case, that Palestinians don't actually exist. It's like how Putin declares that Ukraine and its native inhabitants don't exist as a separate and distinct people/country. Talk about "cancel culture"-- it's upsetting, to say the least. 

It's not just "over there" (where ever "there" is)-- it is right here, too. Demonizing other human beings and "othering" them is nothing new, but gee, don't you think we'd see this evil and destructive pattern and finally, FINALLY, reject such ignorant behavior? And yes, there are times when I do the same-- usually temporary, usually in the heat of a moment, maybe when I'm watching a sporting event (those damn Yankees, for example). There are very few groups that I would tar and feather en masse, in the final analysis. But I have to admit, too, to feeling like there are self-righteous groups and prominent people who have it in for me, for those I love, for what I hold dear-- and that's a microcosm of what is going on globally, right? 

I don't mind differences of opinion, and I welcome intelligent discourse and debate. I do not appreciate it when one group disallows the existence of another. We all exist on this spinning blue marble, and we are all facing larger issues like I've written about before: climate emergencies, food insecurity, diseases, etc. Wouldn't it be refreshing if, as a human community, we could focus our time, treasure, and talent on making life a little easier--? To sustaining our actual existence? 

But no, there are strong men all over the globe, and in our own country, who want to eradicate the "other" because...they don't like them?

Ignorant. Spiteful. And very dangerous.

Have a good day,



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