Winds-day--- be safe!

What started out as steady snow turned to wind-lashed rain overnight, with the temps rising to 40 degrees. I think we escaped damage here at our houses, but I don't know about other places yet. We will likely still have school, though we are on a 2 hr delay-- which I don't mind the slower start to the day. It's still pretty windy and rainy out there, and I'd rather deal with driving in full daylight.

I hope all of you are safe and snug; I've been reading reports of widespread flooding and wind damage in NJ and Maine, Meg tells me that it's messy in Boston with predicted coastal flooding-- this is how thing are going to be, more and more often, due to climate change. We will have to adapt and we will have to adjust our lifestyles-- likely, people will complain even more about both. Enjoy paddling, then. 

Be safe, and don't take risks with downed trees, power lines, and flooding. And please, enjoy Pooh: "It seems that it may turn out to be...a rather blustery day."

Have a good day,



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