Tired, and hoping to slide into '24--

Another night of stressful dreams; this time, I was tasked with not only keeping a small crew of teenagers safe from some sort of malevolent intruder, I had to also go about hosting a children's party at the same time-- two small toys or candy per kid, and keep an eye on the door to make sure that the intruder wouldn't find us. Me, specifically-- apparently, whomever this was wanted me dead.

O great.

Well, I made it to morning alive, in the flesh, and I have hot coffee. 

What I would dearly love is some untroubled, unbroken sleep. Maybe Santa has that in his big bag of gifts? Unlikely. Poor man works nights.

That all said, today is the last day of school for a little over a week. I am grateful for the time to (I hope) figure out my routine, get some rest, and take a breath. The crazy train will continue, things are going to be all sorts of unsettled for a stretch of time to come, but maybe, maybe, instead of making things up as I go on the daily/hourly, I will be able to sort it out and proceed in a more sane manner. 

And then maybe I will get some real sleep. At any rate, I have to finish that book review I've been putting off. I will not be engaging in a major cleaning project (at least, I have no desire to do one). I hope to read a little, if I can find the time to do so-- and I think I will. There are still going to be long nights by myself, and TV is boring. I've been falling asleep, exhausted, in my chair every night, so reading has not been possible. It's a goal, and I'll work on it.

Seriously, though, what I truly want is to slide into 2024, which will have all of its own troubles and annoyances, like a baserunner being chased by an angry 3rd baseman, bruised, dirty, and out of breath, but safe.

May it be.



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