Respite, change, and Christmas--
It's Wednesday, and that means it's halfway through the work week. Holly is going to hang out with Papa today, so there's no rush to get her up and out and jettisoned into the world-- I'm glad. She's a real trooper, and she has made new friends and she's been very patient for two years old, but she needs a break in the busy-ness. We all do, right?
Yesterday, the Home Team worked out a plan for Holly to spend the weekend at "Auntie Bob's" house, where she will have a good time. The underlying idea is to help her along the way towards being potty-trained as well-- apparently, there is a full-court press approach that will work, and since she's showing interest in being a "big girl," it makes sense. This means, too, that I will have a very open weekend-- I've been clearing my desk to be available for her, so no papers to grade. Whatever shall I do?
I'll tell you what I will do: wrap presents. Write out Christmas cards. Hopefully, I will write the book review I've been picking and poking my way towards (I promised the editor a draft before Christmas). I will mop floors and fold laundry. I'm scheduled to read at church on Sunday as well-- and it's one of my favorite days in Advent, Gaudete Sunday.
I won't be bored. But it will be quiet in my house--maybe too quiet? G says he'll miss having his "little booper" around, but he will be able to sleep in our bed, so there's that. We've gotten into a workable routine around here, and that's a good thing. But so is a little respite, I guess. At any rate, if Holly gets upset or wants to come home, she can. No one has shipped her off to Abu Dhabi.
It still doesn't feel very Christmassy in my heart yet. Maybe having a little time this weekend will help me find that spark. Maybe, somehow, we'll have good news from Boston. Next weekend is Christmas, and it's my favorite holiday. All I want is my family to be safe and healthy, but that's a big request.
Keep praying, my friends.
Have a good day,
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