Early Start-- It's a Holly-Day!

UP at 4am.

G spent the night at Meg's house so Holly could sleep in her own bed, which is a good thing. The least amount of disruption the better. That said, he has to work today, so I got up at 4 to shower and get ready for the day-- and Holly and I started our day at 5:15. "Cowboy bunny! Yeehaaa!" and off we go.

Today, I hope to get some bread baked, and get some groceries. Anything else will be a bonus. Meg's bestie from forever ago is going to hang out with Holly for a bit so I can scoot to the store-- I am not up to wrestling a toddler into and out of the grocery cart.

We have a good plan in place, and we will keep things going. Yes, there are going to be wrinkles in the plan and probably hiccups in the execution of it, but in the long run, as long as all people and critters are warm, fed, and dry, we are doing what we need to do.

In the meantime, if you are a praying person, please do. Every voice lifted to heaven helps. If you are able to donate to the Go Fund Me, it will be a huge help: they are now down to one income for quite a while, and the future medical bills, even with insurance, are the things of nightmares. If you can, here's the link:

Fundraiser for Meghan Christ by Hanna Christ : Finding A New Heart for Tim Christ (gofundme.com)

If you'd rather help out with travel expenses for Meg, please let me know. She has PayPal and Venmo, and gas cards are helpful, too. We are in this for the long haul, and together, we will make this work.




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