They are out Nero-ing Nero...

I'm trying very hard to not rant about the dysfunction in politics in the country. It's really disturbing, and as I don't have an easy fix, or sage advice to offer, what would be the point. Yet the headlines this morning on NPR bother me, chiefly:

"More Americans say they support political violence ahead of the 2024 election

Nearly a quarter of Americans believe that 'patriots may need to resort to violence to save the country' while an overwhelming majority think democracy is at risk in a new PRRI survey."

Now, if that doesn't give you pause, I don't know what would. The dark circus that is the House GOP Speaker search is not funny, either. The world is watching while it's spinning out of control in too many areas of our national interest. We have a cluster of puppet Neros fiddling around while the basic tenets of this country are burning. I am becoming unconvinced that we will be able to rise from the ashes of this particular dumpster fire of their own making. And there are people who giggle with glee at the sight.

They don't love this country; instead, they are indicative of a particular problem that is wider than politics. This deeply rooted need to be entertained by harmful drama, to laugh at pain and misfortune, is a sickness that is being fed by "reality tv" among other things. I'll save that rant for another day.

Governance by "f*ck around and find out* and YOLO is paralyzing this country, and average folks are being truly hurt, here and abroad. 

OK, end rant. I have to go mold some young minds, without saying what I really think. Sigh.

Have a good day,



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