Hitting the halfway mark-- and it's cold and wet yet again...

I went to bed early, and slept like someone had knocked me out cold for five hours without interruption. I've been having nightly busy/chaotic dreams again, but last night's film fest from the psyche was not too weird. Just busy. I woke up around 3:50, and managed to get back to some semblance of sleep, but then the dog woke up, the husband woke up, the roosters woke up, and the rain started to pound on the roof. Ah, yes, Monday.

This week will be a little disjointed as well; I'm taking tomorrow as a personal day (most of my students are on a field trip). This week, though, we'll be working our way through an anchor essay (rhetorical analysis) in College Comp, with no new reading, just drafting and revising. Creative Writing will be up and down-- but I think we'll get where we need to go. My plan is to give them a sheaf of stories by Chekhov (cheery, eh?), and after we've read them, they can choose one to craft a new ending for. We'll see. Some of the kids are really into it, and there's a couple that will wiggle out of it...or at least try. We need to wrap up the discussion on The Hobbit today, so we'll see how that goes. Half of them had not read to the end on Friday. Sigh. Too many years of another teacher giving them audio books, to listen in class time. They are not, as a group, all that self-directed. Sigh again.

Be that as it may, it's another week in academia, and we hit the halfway mark of this semester on Friday. Time is speeding by, and that's okay with me. They are good kids, and it's fun to see them evolve in the various ways high schoolers do. That said, they also get a bit "comfortable" with the routine, and it takes a little prodding to get them enthusiastic again. No worries; we hit the holiday start-and-stop soon enough, and by then, if we haven't done the bulk of what we hope to do, then it won't likely get done, at least as seamlessly or well. So, we push on.

Have a good day. I hope it's one of light and laughter, but at least try to stay dry.



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