Accepting the good things-- and using them to do good

Finally, Friday.

It's been a strange week, hasn't it? Maybe it was the eclipse? 

Poems about various wars, diasporas, and the aftermath of those things have been woven in amongst the other, much cheerier news I've gotten on the personal front. It makes it hard to celebrate when so much of the world is in turmoil from war, natural disasters, and man-made horrors. But yet, I need --we need-- to accept the moments of joy and grace, too. How else can we hope to help other people? We need to fill our own cup before we can continue to pour. And even good things, blessings, have responsibilities attached. 

When people tell you to "count your blessings," it seems like a slap sometimes. But we do tend to forget the good and perseverate on the difficulties, don't we? It takes a conscious choice much of the time to enjoy things without guilt or feeling like there's a catch. I know I tend to be suspicious of positive things, which is, in the final analysis, kind of rude to those who have brought those things about. Life can't always be a "thank you, but...." 

The news about my little book finally finding a home with a publisher feels like a woolen sweater that is a little too big. It's warm, and it's comfortable, but does it fit? Are the sleeves too long? Will I find that it gets a little scratchy? Or should I just wear it until it becomes my favorite article of clothing? I suspect that all of those metaphors will apply. 

And about the terrors and horrors that are crippling parts of the world: I will do what I can, with what I have, and do so willingly. That's all I can do, and it's what I should do. Just, I can choose to go forth into the thick of it, mentally and emotionally, with my new woolen sweater. I will just roll up the sleeves and get to work.

Have a good day,



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