Writing Prompt: Memetics?

Memetics? The study of memes? Really? We are at that point in modern digital culture. Many scholars feel that this theory of cultural evolution does not hold up, though. Memes do not evolve like genes, after all, they say. Okay, that tracks. 

So, since memes are still a bellwether for contemporary cultural trends, we are inundated with them. We pass them around like funny little trading cards. I have a friend who, in a meta-like practice, posts memes about over-posting memes.

They must be good for something beyond a quick chuckle or a shake of the head. I got the idea this morning to transcribe as many as seemed useful into one long list, and see if I could make a poem out of them. I suspect this would be at least a fun exercise, and maybe it'll be a poem that says something about contemporary culture. We'll see. This might take a while-- I actually have some adulting to do (house chores, computer work, groceries), but I'm intrigued by this idea. Would it be called an Ars Memetica? It's a fun working title, anyhow.

Have a good day, and stay dry. It's muggy, and rain is in the forecast for days and days and days to come. Again.



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