Let the music move you through the day--

Last evening, we went to dinner at our usual watering hole, Iron Furnace Brewery. It's our custom to sit in the "beer barn" which is a wide open space with tables, a couple of large televisions, and  windows that, in nicer weather, are wide open. It's pleasant, comfortable, and casual. Often, there is live music on a weekend, and we lucked out last night-- a duet, and they were set up in the barn, and it was really great to just sit and enjoy a couple of beers, split a pizza, and listen to music while we just talked about whatever came up. Date night. 

Speaking of date night, there was an older couple there, enjoying the same things--but they got up to dance. And dance they did, song after song, clearly enjoying each other's company and easy rhythm--long-standing partners, who clearly had a lot of practice being together. That made me smile. There was plenty of space in the barn for them to move easily, in and around the tables, letting the music guide whatever they were doing. 

Shouldn't we all let the music-- whatever we are listening to-- be our guide? Fall into an easy, familiar rhythm, follow our steps in and around whatever we are facing? It's a goal, anyhow. Yesterday, I got to work early in order to get some papers graded, and since I now have my classroom all to myself, I get to do as I please, for the most part. I decided that listening and singing along to Janis Joplin would be just the ticket, just the rhythm I wanted to start my day off with-- and so I did. It was a great way to start my morning. 

I do that a lot now, put on music in class. Why not? Students are always asking to listen to music while they work on individual assignments, so I choose something they might not already know. I consider it part of their cultural education. This is particularly effective in the Creative Writing class-- they have flexible time to be working on drafts, and music makes it a pleasant and maybe even inspiring environment in which to create. For the other class, I usually choose something without words-- that can be distracting, and they are working on non-creative things. It is much more pleasant to have music as a background, instead of the screams and hollers from the playground or the lectures from other classrooms. 

I should put music on at home more often. I used to--I have a little stereo and a bajillion cds, so I don't know why I fell out of the practice. Maybe I'll get back into it today. Seems like a plan, yes?

I hope you have a soundtrack to your day that makes you smile.



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