It's Wednesday-- lovely sunrise, eh?

It's early, and the dawn sky is a glorious shade of lavender. The weather forecast calls for thunder and rain and so on --nothing new, in short-- but starting later today. If I didn't have to work today, it would be a beautiful way to start the day out on the deck. 

I have not spent much time on the deck this summer-- too much rain. I'm hopeful of a long, mild autumn. We shall see. 

I could comment on the shenanigans in the House of Representatives, but I won't. It's distressing. All of time and money spent to do absolutely nothing at all offends me. 

I could talk about the general dust that settled after our local protest for common decency, but so far, it's been all as I'd hoped-- good folks said good things, but the issue is officially tabled til some future date when (it seems) the Select Board will tuck it into an agenda and hope everyone has gone on to other things to worry about. 

New England sports-- well, the Sox blew it, two more games. In Fenway vs. the Yankees. Gross. And the story of Aaron Rodgers and his blown achilles tendon is a narrative rooted in hubris, bad playing surface, and too much media hype. The Jets will continue to be the yappy dog of the AFC East. 

In short, the sunrise is lovely. The world will just have to take care of itself.



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